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Relic of the Cursed Scholar |
![]() As you venture further into the depths of the dungeon, you encounter a quiet chamber. The room is filled with old talismans, objects of unusual craftsmanship, and strange materials whose purpose is hard to guess. Among this collection of old artifacts lie the skeletal remains of a long-dead scholar, his body weathered, but his legacy frozen in the relics around him. With your intrusion, the spirit of the scholar suddenly awakens. He materializes as a shimmering semblance of form, a resonance of the man he once was. With a voice that carries the sound of past knowledge, the spirit warns you to leave immediately. He threatens to unleash terrible, forgotten spells on you should you not disappear immediately. His warning echoes in the dark chamber. You must take a test on MIGHT & CRAFTING or ARCANA & LORE with a negative dice. |